Basic human rights apply equally to both men and women. They are the preservative of many social problems and the main mover of the progress of mankind. With their help, you can always count on freedom of expression, the ability to choose the religion you want to profess, the provision of necessary medical care, and so on.
However, we are witnessing the triumph of law and human values in democratic countries while the governments of some states openly neglect them. As a rule, it applies to countries with an autocratic or theocratic form of government.
As a rule, democratic changes come to these countries much later, and the government prefers to stick to largely archaic norms and follow traditions that hardly have a place in a modern civilized society. There are many reasons for this: from the banal convenience when you do not need to spend resources on reformation to the ability to hold power in the country.
Considering the restrictions on rights and freedoms in a global sense, we can note that in most cases, we are talking about women due to various demographic, socio-cultural, religious, and other reasons.
And it is not even related, for example, to the gambling sphere when in some countries, you can not simply click to learn more about Play Fortuna here and pick the game you like without using anonymizers or VPNs. In this case, we are talking about a violation of truly basic human freedoms.
Six Examples of Ridiculous Restrictions of Women’s Rights
Below, you can learn more about the most remarkable cases of violation of women’s freedoms in different countries. It is important not only to understand the current situation but also to be able to change it for the better.
Road safety rules
In this case, we are talking about a situation observed in some regions of India where the safety road rules do not apply to women. As a result, the female population is completely spared the need to fasten safety belts or wear helmets.
As a result, the number of motorcycle and car accident victims is significantly more than it could be if the safety rules were followed. The reason for this situation many researchers call the depreciation of a woman’s life in the country, which is a common cultural tradition.
Legal restrictions
Surprisingly, in Yemen, a woman still cannot act as a full witness to a crime. Currently, the country’s police cannot accept the penance of a woman if she is unmarried. The identical situation is if any other man does not support her words. Moreover, women cannot generally testify against men regarding adultery, sodomy, theft, and so on. More information, with specific examples and cases, you can find in Freedom House’s 2005 report.
Abortion restrictions
Until now, Ecuador has rules that can hardly exist in the twenty-first century. The fact is that according to the legislation, women are forbidden to have abortions, except for two cases: if she is an “idiot” or if she is “demented”. Of course, at the official level, they use more polite formulations like “mentally ill”, but this does not change the essence of the problem.
There are two extremely negative consequences of these archaic rules. Firstly, abortions still exist but are made illegally, which means higher risks to a woman’s health. In addition, according to this rule, the appropriate authorities have legal rights to criminalize miscarriages.
If you want more information and want to learn the topic deeper, you can check the NATO Library. You can find many articles on this topic with relevant information, official research, statistics, and more.
Charge with crimes for rape victims
Unfortunately, in many countries (for example, Saudi Arabia and Morocco), there is still no way to legally protect victims of sexual violence. However, some states have decided to go beyond this and criminalize victims of rape.
In this case, they are guided by the fact that a woman should not be left alone with a man who is not her relative or leave the house alone. As a result, we can observe sad situations when the court obliges victims to marry rapists. It also leads to a high level of suicides.
Restriction of freedom of movement
In this case, we are again talking about Yemen. Until now, women in this country cannot go out of their homes on their own. The only exception is emergencies. Despite the wide coverage of this problem in society, so far, it has not been possible to achieve any meaningful liberalization of the situation.
Prohibition on driving
Until recently, women in Saudi Arabia were not allowed to drive. However, the government was forced to make concessions due to mass protests and actions. Despite some liberalization, women still face difficulties and obstacles before getting a driving license.

As seen from the review, there are still several countries where women’s rights are either significantly limited or practically non-existent. And this is not about restrictions, for example, on watching adult content or the ability to find out what is the best slot site without using a VPN or an anonymizer. Such restrictions negatively affect women’s quality of life and sometimes directly threaten their health.
Of course, it is difficult to imagine such a thing in the 21st century, but the reality is that democratic values have not been implemented everywhere. These issues of basic freedoms are among the most pressing and are actively fought by activists worldwide.
Despite the increase in progressive women among the female population of such countries, some problems cannot be solved quickly. The reason for this is the diversity of the problem. The fact is that the countries where women face injustice, as a rule, strictly follow the norms and traditions that have been preserved since ancient times.